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Terms of use of the website

1. Services offered

This website ( includes an informative section and a series of interactive applications. Interactive applications consist of applications found on the website where the visitors is asked to fill in specific data and obtains in return dedicated results after the automatic processing of his data. This for instance the case of portfolio simulations. Since data are filled in by the visitor, easyvest SPRL is not able to verify their accuracy.

Publications, interactive information and applications found on this website are purely informational, whether these data come from easyvest SPRL itself or from a selected third parties. easyvest SPRL takes care of continually verifying the accuracy of the information published on the website as well as the accuracy of the results of automatic processing, and may therefore regularly adapt the content of the website. For data or applications that do not come from easyvest SPRL itself, it only works with third parties considered sufficiently reliable. Nevertheless, easyvest SPRL gives no explicit or implicit guarantee as to the completeness and accuracy of this data, these applications and the results of any automatic processing shared with the visitor.

easyvest SPRL targets the maximal availability of its website, but reserves the right to restrict its access, even without any prior warning, in case of suspected fraud, abuse or to bring required modifications.

2. Privacy

easyvest SPRL is responsible for personal data that are collected and treated on this website and makes sure to respect and protect your privacy.

As an example, easyvest SPRL will ask you to provide the following data for the following purposes:

  1. your name, first name, email address and phone number will be requested for the purpose of answering to your contact request or sending you our newsletter or press release;
  2. data listed in sub-section 1), the amount of the capital you would invest, your investment horizon, an estimate of your total liquid assets, your behavior to risk for the purpose of answering to your request for a preliminary portfolio recommendation.
  3. data listed in sub-sections 1) and 2) above, official identification data (such as national registration number) as well as all other information required by law in accordance with the MiFID Directive and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (the FSMA) for the purposes of answering to your request of final portfolio recommendation and account opening.

In addition, as visitor or user of this website, you agree to let easyvest SPRL collect and treat your personal data for the following purposes: manage contractual and pre-contractual relationships, prevent abuse and fraud, establish of statistics and tests, train staff, monitor service quality, commercial prospection or direct marketing in relation to products or financial services or other products or services promoted by easyvest SPRL.

You hereby agree that these personal data may be communicated to third parties in order to comply with any legal obligation or if legitimate interests so required. In particular, when easyvest SPRL outsources part of its IT infrastructure and the processing of your personal data to third parties, it ensures that those third parties respect applicable laws and regulations related to the processing of personal data.

Within easyvest SPRL, access to the personal data collected through this website is limited to people who required these data to complete their corporate mission.

You are entitled to access your personal data and require that these data be corrected if wrong or not relevant. To exercise this right, send a written request to easyvest SPRL, dated and signed, at the following address:

easyvest SPRL
Rue Gachard 59
1050 Bruxelles

3. Use of cookies

When visiting this website, easyvest SPRL may send in some instance and automatically "cookies" to your computer. These are small applications that are stored on your hard drive. These applications are designed to enhance your user experience. Information recorded includes for instance the choice of the language during your first visit to the site, so that at your next visit, you will automatically get the language chosen during your first visit. If you do not want these cookies to be stored on your hard drive, you can parameter your Internet browser to reject these cookies. In that case, easyvest SPRL cannot guarantee the optimal user experience on the website.

If you wish, you can also delete cookies from your hard drive after each visit of the website.

easyvest SPRL processes data collected by these cookies with the outmost confidence in accordance with best banking practices and in compliance with the provisions of the Law of 8 December 1992 concerning the processing of personal data.

4. Viruses

easyvest SPRL ensures that all data placed on this website are scanned prior to registration in order to detect the presence of all viruses known at that time. easyvest SPRL regularly monitors any dowloadable data on the website to detect the presence of viruses known at that time.

Despite the caution demonstrated by easyvest SPRL, it cannot guarantee that its website is free from viruses, given the rapid evolution of Internet traffic and associated risks.

Because of the risks inherent to the use of the Internet, easyvest SPRL therefore advises expressly to scan all downloaded information, even if they come from a supplier considered reliable by the client, to detect the presence of viruses.

5. Intellectual property rights

The content of the website, including any information, informative and interactive applications, programs, trademarks and logos contained therein are protected by intellectual property rights of easyvest SPRL. The visitor of this website must always respect the rights of intellectual property and refrain from breaking the legislation.

Easvest SPRL has done everything possible to ensure that the photos, films or other multimedia applications that it has obtained from third party suppliers are reliable. The contractual relationship with these parties stipulates that these providers must ensure that the applications and services they provide meet all the copyright requirements of intellectual property rights and related rights. In that perspective, easyvest SPRL consider that the photos, films and multimedia applications used or made available came into its possession legally and can therefore be used publically. However, if you find on this site data, photos, movies or multimedia applications that you think infringe your intellectual property rights, your copyright or related rights, we ask you to us contact to inform us.

6. Modification

easyvest SPRL reserves the right to modify the content of its website at any time and without prior notice, to ensure that the site content is up to date.

7. Account and password

As part of the use of this website, you may set up a user account, you may be assigned a user name and you may choose a password to access your personal account. This user name and password must not in any circumstances be communicated to any third party.

easyvest SPRL has the right to suspend the access to your user account if it suspect that you have breached the confidentiality requirement and / or that your confidential data have been subtilized by attackers. If you know or suspect that your confidential data has been stolen, immediately notify us.

8. Responsibility

Unless it results of intentional action or gross negligence on his part, easyvest SPRL cannot be held responsible for:

9. Governing laws and jurisdiction

The information on services and products mentioned on this website and their publication are governed by Belgian laws.

The Court of Brussels shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute relating to this website, the information on this website, sites and web pages related to it and their use by the visitor.

No doctrine of choice of law and jurisdiction can ensure that the right declared applicable or the Courts declared competent in this article are respectively not applicable and not competent.

Easyvest is a brand of Easyvest NV/SA (No. 0631.809.696), authorized and regulated by the Belgian Authority for Financial Services and Markets (FSMA) as a portfolio management company and as a broker in insurances, with registered office at Rue de Praetere 2/4, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Easyvest Pension Fund (abbreviated to Easyvest OFP) is a professional pension organisation approved by the FSMA (No. 1011.041.490) and domiciled at the same address. Copyright 2024 EASYVEST NV/SA. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections may not reflect actual future performance. All securities involve risk and may result in loss.